DAVID GROUP Financing Plans & Investors Relation
Indonesia (ASEAN) is currently experiencing severe cyberattacks related to malware and online gambling advertising on government infrastructure and private industry infrastructure.
DAVID GROUP has discussed with the government which has direct authority over cybersecurity in Indonesia; National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) & Ministry of Communications and Informatics (KOMINFO) regarding the cyber problems they are facing.
Indonesia needs versatile domestic products for self detection and threats response to improve national security.
DAVID GROUP is currently seeking an Equity Financing or Debt Financing to support several key initiatives.
These funds will be allocated to leverage specific opportunities in 2024-2025 to combat significant cybercrime targeting critical infrastructure in Indonesia.
A. The problem we're going to solve:
Prevent cyberattacks (cybercrime) and its severe impact especially in ASEAN countries.
Neutralize the distribution of online gambling advertising malware across government and industry digital infrastructure in Indonesia.
Improve security and privacy acceleration
B. How we are going to solve the problem:
Create and deploy custom cybersecurity products for specific problems
DAVID GROUP Cybersecurity Compliance Standards
a. https://diskusi.davidgroup.co.id/david-group-cybersecurity-compliance-standards.pdf
b. https://e-katalog.lkpp.go.id/katalog/produk/detail/74620523
DAVID GROUP Managed Detection and Response (XDR - MDR)
b. https://e-katalog.lkpp.go.id/katalog/produk/detail/75407527
DAVID GROUP Cybersecurity Improvement Program & Consulting
a. Work Competency Improvement Program
DAVID GROUP Secured Native VPN
a. https://davidgroup.co.id/en/encrypted-vpn
b. https://secure.davidgroup.co.id
c. https://e-katalog.lkpp.go.id/katalog/produk/detail/74610104
d. https://www.g2.com/products/david-group-vpn/
C. What's DAVID GROUP value proposition?
DAVID GROUP creates cybersecurity domestic products (TKDN) & presidential mandate benefits
a. https://tkdn.kemenperin.go.id/kapasitas.php?id=-p1sskA545aVqf94XBSW9lNtDy-aCmAWBmhuGE4-C1A
b. Presidential Mandate - https://setkab.go.id/en/president-jokowi-issues-instruction-on-domestic-product-use-intensification-for-govt-goods-service-procurement/
Affordable costs with high value for SMEs
Public Private Strategic Partnership (PPPs)
D. How big is the market?
Revenue in the cybersecurity market (ASEAN) is projected to reach US$4.37bn in 2024 - statista.com
E. DAVID GROUP Company Profile & Executive Summary
Company Profile
a. https://secure.davidgroup.co.id/executive-summary/davidgroup-company-profile-2024.pdf
b. https://glints.com/id/companies/david-group/e72987f2-8c17-42b6-acde-212f4488084d
c. https://www.linkedin.com/company/davidgroupofficial/
Executive Summary
b. https://diskusi.davidgroup.co.id/executive-summary-david-group-2024-EN.pdf